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25 Years ago, when I got married, I 'adopted' my wife's two cats, one Manx and one Korat. She rescued them from a family that had to get rid of them due to health issues. Over the years the Korat adopted me as 'her' person... She lived to 18 years old. In her older years... we adopted... another Korat. During home construction a few years ago the contractor cut a hole in the wall and she vanished. At that time I signed up on Rescue Me's Korat Rescue, partly hoping someone would post our found cat, and also hoping to find another Korat that was in need. Last week I received a notice from Rescue Me! of two Korats for adoption, had a long discussion with my wife, and the cat's owner. After much consideration, I drove with one of my daughters 750 miles in one day to rescue 'Chip and Dale'. They are quickly adjusting to our household. They are great with the kids and learning to tolerate our cat Dolly, the alpha cat. |